The complete details of the context, existence, and administrative structure of Estatis Inc. have not yet been approved for publication by our legal team. For the present time, we are only allowed to disclose the existence of the following services:
Other services will follow here once they are released. We extend our sincerest thanks for your interest in Estatis Inc.'s products and services and hope to count you soon in our exponentially growing base of loyal customers.
Estatis Inc. is a privately owned mixed compound joint commercial venture operated by an equal-representation consortium under the designated judicial responsibility of the Club Inutile de l'École normale supérieure (multilinear perpetual bicameral multistakeholder association without formal status, appointed as a bona fide delegate without prior consent under classified legal manoeuvers). It is headquartered in the Mariana Trench for accounting purposes, and is hereby placed under the jurisdiction of the high court of Vogsphere. Incorporation documents, quarterly filings and other required disclosures have been approved by automated independent reviewers of our design, sealed in watertight bags, and buried in a chest somewhere in the Antarctic bedrock. All inquiries should be directed to the Earth stratosphere by beaming a pulsating laser at the correct frequency and angle from a neutral location and awaiting abduction by an unmanned aircraft in Estatis Inc. livery. The complete extent of our claims to your soul and to ultimate world domination are not reproduced here for lack of space and for confidentiality reasons, but they can be ascertained by listening to the rustle of the North wind in the autumn leaves of a bicentennial oak during the night of the vernal equinox, applying a legally mandated artistic license and following a liberal interpretation of the meaning of life.